UPS Air Cargo strives to offer quality, dependable service at competitive rates. Published rate information for U.S. origin service is available on this website, categorized below.
Terms and Conditions
- Rates are applicable to prepaid shipments only.
- Rates are NET/NET and are not commissionable.
- Dimensional weight is calculated per IATA standard.
- These rates supersede all previous rates and are subject to change without notice.
- Perishable rates are 150% of Reserved and Priority cargo rates.
- Dangerous Goods are 125% of the applicable Reserved or Priority cargo rate, plus a $75 per UN/ID number fee.
- Dangerous Goods are accepted on pre- approved contractual basis only.
- For oversized freight (dimensions are larger than allowed for a standard container or pallet and will become an overhang), see accessorial chart.
- All rates are in U.S. dollars per kilogram.
- For nationwide reservations or to contact your Region Sales Representative, call 800.535.2345
- For on-line tracking or additional information, visit our Web site at www.AirCargo.UPS.com
- Rates do not include any surcharges.